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Encontre 4 nuevos juegos,recontra vacames.En War Games y Hundred Soul,se puede cambiar las optiones de los graficos para meterlos bien.
All those Xbox 360 games are 3$ca(exepted for the 2 Xbox ones at 2$ca)in special in Monsieur GI pawnshop store,in St-Hubert street in Montreal city.They have a big box of 2-3 hundreds games backround.Ps4 Beta ones are 14.99$ca to 19.99$ca.Ps3 at 5.99$ca.
126.50$ total,in special,fo gifts fo friends,I already have all,exept a hockey and surf x box game and Batman Arkam Origins on Xbox 360.I know that lot of those Xbox 360 games are on PS3 normaly;but it s for France country,there they have Pal 1 TV system(and Pal 2 too),so it s allright.You have a PAL 1or NTSC 1 switch option on the Xbox 360,and it s automatic with video games Xbox 360 updates.
Hacked Psp 2000(with ACL screen);psp 3000(with LCD screen) and psp GO(with LED screen).
Fo the psp GO you need a very good wi-fi or a coffee shop with a very good wi-fi without interferenced costomers browsing,without video games access blocked.To connect to your Playstation network account,to download the games and with your Playstation network $ cards.
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