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truth‘s a hell of
a word

50 million dollars worth of flowers
cannot cover the graves
or the errors
of men who thought they were doing good
but were all backwards
and killing and wailing for death
from their first breath to their last;
now, nobody likes a preacher
even when they think yes yes
he’s preaching the truth,
but truth's a funny thing
from the bloody poppies of Flanders
to the Bulge that ended in snow
melting and clarity for strafing
and bombing out the long thin strings
of supply lines, or Rome taking the
best of Greece and passing it to the Huns
who spit it out. truth?
truth's a hell of a word used by
everybody and everything;
I think even sometimes the grasshoppers
use truth, and although they get
caught up on it, they are closer than
I thank evolution that the hummingbird was
built large enough
to escape the spider's web;
I thank evol. for woman and loving mens
and perhaps even for the bomb
that is large enough to blow some of us
or all of us away;
for when truth becomes too large
and too tough, evil becomes truth
and truth becomes evil,
and the good spinning of our lives
in the fire, and Milton’s "fallen angels"
dulled by the lake of fire
will someday rise
and change back the stream,
and I hear the sirens on the streets now,
little guns of little men
spurting spark, and a woman goes by
in toreador pants, her crotch too tight for
and I lift my glass and drink,
too tough for good,
and I see the spit and flame and cussing,
Hannibal slapping his elephant ass
and the hummingbird spinning free,
and everyday
there's need to say less
and drink more.
An unfortunate Indian scientist that India throws away

I am an unfortunate Indian scientist subjected to negligence, racism and discrimination despite did enormous researches&studies on earth related issues and made over a 1000 publications. Among them Irlapatism- A New Hypothetical Model Cosmology, National Geoscope Projects, Basics of Global Monsoon Time Scales, Indian Monsoon Time Scale etc. were scientifically&successfully proved out in practice while Artificial rains, Artificial storms, Artificial underground waters etc concepts were uncompleted. Kindly find out my researches in all/any websites/searchengines by searching my name GANGADHARA RAO IRLAPATI and do further researches on my investigations; promote, propagate and recognize me by making references in research papers.Below I describe some of the researches,I did.

Basics of Bio-forecast: This is an easiest and interesting forecasting method.I designed it based on the similar principles such as how creatures sense weather changes&natural calamities in advance. This research can be done easily at home with simple researches and experiments.

Basics of Numerical Weather Periodic Tables: Weather Periodic tables doesn't requires any researches.Weather changes and natural calamities can be assessed by simply studying the numerical weather periodic tables.

Basics of Geoscope&it's National Geoscope projects/Programmes/systems: Geoscope warns earthquakes in advance. Earthquakes can be detected by designing the Geoscope in both simple and hitech methods which can help to predict the earthquakes 24 hrs in advance.

Basics of Global Monsoon Time Scales: Global Monsoon Time Scales are very useful to study the past present and future movements of monsoons and it's weather changes&natural calamities in advance.

Basics of creation(Irlapatism-A New Hypothetical Model of Cosmology): A New Hypothetical Model of Cosmology unravel the mysteries of the universe by studying this theory.

Basics of Indian Monsoon Time Scale: Particularly I have invented the Indian Monsoons Time Scale along with other global monsoon time scales which can help to study the past, present and future movements of monsoons and it's weather problems&natural calamities in advance.

Basics of Artificial rains: I have proposed artificial rains to pour rains in required desert and rain prone areas to save people from droughts and famines and also tried to do some preliminary researches&studies but completed due to lack of support&opportunities. I call on world scientists to do researches that create Artificial rains

Basics of Artificial storms: Artificial storms had proposed and designed by me to pour rain waters in required desert and rain prone areas to save people from droughts and famine. I call on world scientists to do researches that create Artificial storms.

Basics of Artificial underground waters: Artificial underground waters had proposed and designed by me to increase underground waters in required desert and rain prone areas to save people from droughts and famines. I call on world scientists to do researches that create Artificial underground waters.

However much efforts did tho, I couldn't get government's/organizations support&opportunities. I was humiliated&insulted and my researches were ignored&darkened by fundamentalists&superstitioius.Political recommendations&officials support, cash&community, region&religion may play a key role in giving support&opportunities, awards&rewards, respect&recognition.I am a victim of racism, negligence and discrimination

I am now making my life's last journey with hopelessness&sickness and disregard&despair. It is not known how long I will live, or when I will die. Under the aforesaid circumstances, I 'm appealing to world scientists that if world scientists have invented any technology in future that recreate humans of past, Kindly remember&recreate me to complete my uncompleted missions together with world scientists.

juliana castro
Por favor, escuche "LET THERE ONLY BE LOVE". Cuídense mucho.

No matter who'll eat the fruit of the tree you may grow/ always try hard to sow seeds of love ev'rywhere that you go./
You won't find only love, but also hate along the road/ but what matters is the love in your heart you hold./
Instead of bullets may ev'ry gun shoot flowers and fun./ Instead of hate let there only be love for ev'ry one./ May all people share riches before life is done./
Now is the only thing real as once a man said/ 'cos before later comes anyone may be dead./
So, outta your heart make an airfield, oh, where only solidarity lands/ and for evil deeds try hard to make amends./
Let there not be any more wars and no room too for greed, fear and hunger./ May man drop chocolate bars and not shells from the bomber./
Encontre 4 nuevos juegos,recontra vacames.En War Games y Hundred Soul,se puede cambiar las optiones de los graficos para meterlos bien.
On Tutti we deeply value the diversity and the respect among all the people.
The events that lead to the murder of George Floyd was an coward act of barbarism.
We stand up against racism, xenophobia and state violence.
We humans are better than this.
#BlackLivesMatter #RememberGeorgeFloyd
Andrew Jack murió a los 76 años debido a complicaciones en su salud por coronavirus.
New here...can I have some warm welcome???
El Death Invasion se puede jugar sin conexion internet.Saque el Dynasty Warrior Unleashed porque agara mas que 3 gigas y no es tan bueno y un poco complicado.Pero encontre a Shadowblood,ya havia jugado con mi antiguo tablet Samsung con Android 3,que ya no fonctiona.Y tampoco ya no fonctionava hace mucho tiempo con Android 3.
Ay que cambiar el control que no sea fixo en las optiones pa una mejor experiencia de juego.
A la franca este tablet puede jugar todos los juegos mas recentes y los que ya no eran compatibles,ya no functionavan con nuestros tablets.Por el momento encontre ese juego no mas,que es vacan.
Me an mandado una mierda defectiva.Es mas lenta,no para parando ni se puede jugar a War Robots.Quetal mas malos,estan asta las patas.
But they did not acomplished the request to take it off.Surely a guy from Home Depot shit said(cause they surely passed by there but didn t buy,only rented the big vacuum to suffle the joints powder,but they suffled feed meal and wheat flour;that were already inside/but the mortar is from brick stores)a big metal shit,ohhhhhhhhhh!,no,don t take off,you know I m for this,it s to prevent water to side enter on the veranda(from type of hardware stores).
But that is bullshit.
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