May 9, 2019, 5:34 p.m.
Was Special pizza;only 4.99$ with no taxes.Cause the coolers were broke.I don t like Mikes mark pizza,I took 1 international flavor,but 2 spinach.Total 39.30$ca/include 2 spaghetis and 1 fusili.
Was Special pizza;only 4.99$ with no taxes.Cause the coolers were broke.I don t like Mikes mark pizza,I took 1 international flavor,but 2 spinach.Total 39.30$ca/include 2 spaghetis and 1 fusili.
They ain t very tasty,it s ok to survive but it s not the good shit.Mikes ones have a sticky and sugar pasta,spinach flavor un gusto amargo con liquido y es delgadita menos la crouta.Son muy chicas y no son muy ricas,es muy caro tambien.It s cause the stores sell and we still can t find good ones.And you have a lot of marks that is very bad.
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I would get them if I lived closer