Oye,este juego modern ops,los gestionarios,son unos conchas sus madres,solo es pa unos mobiles(telephonos)ahora no mas.Ya no es compatible con mi tablet Lenovo E8,con Android 7.13,derepente con Android 8,ahora esta.Muchos problemas de compatibilidad eso es.Ellos solo tienen los mas antiguos I-Pads,quetal concha.
just forgot how basques always make good dancers :)
we are the decendents of the witches you burned
we have the brooms of the witches you burned
the soul of the witches you burned is not lost
we are the smile of witches you burned
on the brambles
yell and shout
under the clouds
we wanto to live free
we are the smile of witches you burned
the soul of the witches you burned is not lost
we have the brooms of the witches you burned
we are the decendents of the witches you burned