Ahora lo tengo,esos juegos son muy vacam,los unicos menos 2 que me falta;1 juego de pelota con uno de aventura,que son buenos.Tengo que sacar mi computadora antes,y salvar mis 2 tarjetas memoria(las que eran con mi samsung),pa tener espacio,mi tablet esta quasi lleno.
RESEARCH PROPOSALS OF REVOLUTIONARY MISSIONS have been made by me just like Artificial storms,Artificial rains,Artificial underground waters,Super-human,Time-Machine,Geo-Machine,Bio-Machine etc. but couldn't complete due to lack of support and opportunities. I am now making my life's last journey with hoplessness&sickness without completing those missions. I urge world scientists to complete them otherwise if world scientists have invented any technology at any time in future that recreate humans of past,Kindly remember and recreate me to complete my uncompleted missions together with world Great scientists.