Those guys just turned thieves.They changed politic without even telling retaillers.Now they charge 3$ per month,and not fo 4 years anymore only 2 and they never sent me the real card just after the temporary.This is an other card,cause I lost the other in my house,while folding it cause of the stupid plombers company cause I did not put it back at the same place,but I ve found back my lost 64gb micro SD card,cause of the cousin and his familly.My mother paid me the 15$ + 5$ that where suposed to be left on the Canada Visa post card,she said cause I have done a over good work fo her fo free.But she have to collect my sister fo the bathroom work influence,fo the cousin influenced part to come over here,in my house,and fo the plomber company that she gave to my mother fo the week end before cousin arrival rush.And with this card we can t even use it in any stores,even those that accept Gift Cards.The company they do this to look like important people,cause of some high schools feedbacks.Fucken thieves.I bough the last card 1 year and a half ago and it s the same expiration date wroted on all cards.Ah ah ah!Fucken poors,they re already broke,what will happen after the costs of Gifts cards?
So cute 😍