BASICS OF GLOBAL MONSOON TIME SCALES are proposed,designed&invented by me 199. I have done a lot of researches&studies on the world global monsoon systems and have formulated the basics of Global Monsoons Time Scales for all world monsoon regions&countries to study their monsoons. Find out them in all websites by searching by prefixing a region/country's name to Monsoon Time Scale and search just like as AUSTRALIAN MONSOON TIME SCALE or can get by sending your email to me and take my assistance in making Global Monsoons Time Scales.Make further research&develop,promote&propagate them.Recognize me as the inventor of Global Monsoon Time Scales by making references in your publications.
Me encanta contemplar el ocaso en el mar, pero como no vivo cerca de él, y además el día está nublado, me conformaré con visualizar este 'sejo' o última luz del sol reflejada en las aguas del mar. Buenas noches.