This is a chargeable and rechargeable Visa card,only and disponible at Canada Post offices.15$ the card,3$ each time you want to charge,money.Maximum amount is 10 000$can.It s not the real Visa credit card.You can use on stores or online(after online register(with a computer)),you can even withdraw $.Good fo 4 years.But the problem is on stores post office section,they follow a rule that you have to show a residence prouf,a appartment bail(in french)sheet(not a apartment by month receive),a driving pass,a phone or electricity receive.But I know a store that it s temporary the general post office and on his store,that doesn t care,it s the Post office on Drolet street,you can see on Google map fo now,in Canada;Quebec,Montreal city in Villeray neighbor hood.If he make a spelling error entering data,you ll have a problem to register online your card,you have to call the company to correct the mistake.When you registered online your card,you can make online shoppings and manage your account,you can also see how much you posses on your card.