Hamilton wins in Brazil as Mercedes take fifth F1 title
Lewis Hamilton won the Brazilian Grand Prix from pole position on Sunday as Mercedes clinched the Formula One constructors' world championship for the fifth year in a row.
Hamilton wins in Brazil as Mercedes take fifth F1 title
You ll waste and loose cash,doesn t work with smart phones,pads or tabs to register online fo online shopping,only with computer;when you buy gift cards you pay 2% more of the amount;you can t pay online with 2 cards at the same time too and when you try to buy somthing on store(to spend the cash or the remaining cash on the card,to not loose it)if the price of what you buy is higher that the amount on the card:the card become not valid.You can t even know how much you have on the card.The cashiers could take the manualy the amont on the card with their computer and take your cash cash to complete the amount to pay,but none even that sell thoses cards,will do it.Cause they want to sell you others. So it always remain money on your card,that you can t use and for what you really wanted to buy online.This card is not chargeable or rechargeable.And you have lot of other kinds of cards,like Amazon gift cards,Mastercard gift cards...and chargeable only ones too:like 50$-(to)100$/100$-(to)200$/or 100-(to)500$ cards,that you can only charge when you bought the card.
O asteroide Cory vai cruzar na frente da estrela Regulus, em 18 de março, entre 20h e 20h30min – com maior probabilidade de ocorrer às 20h14min. Tomara q nao chova!