As far as I know there is no way for the browser to tell the application what is the user's timezone.
That is a problem when you want to run an international site, mostly when users from different places save time related stuff.
Some people suggest to just ask the user what his timezone is.
I did not want to bother them with that, so I created this little hack.
this involves a context processor and some javascript.
So lets start with the context processor in django.
you start by writing your file
from django.utils import timezone
def timezone_processor(request):
# look for a cookie that we expect to have the timezone
tz = request.COOKIES.get('local_timezone', None)
if tz:
tz_int = int(tz) # cast to int
# here we decide what will prefix timezone number
# the output of tz_str will be something like:
# Etc/GMT+1, GMT+0, Etc/GMT-2
if tz_int >= 0:
tz_str = 'Etc/GMT+'+tz
tz_str = 'Etc/GMT'+tz
# this forces timezone
# Now we tell the template that we have a timezone
return {'local_timezone': tz}
For the context processor to work you must declare it in
'context_processors': [
Ok, so this code just create a timezone string and activates it.
A template context processor returns a dictionary that will be sent to the context of the template when rendering. Here we are returning local_timezone.
But where this cookie come from? Lets go to the template and make this javascript trick.
<!-- if django already knows timezone we will not run it again -->
{% if not local_timezone %}
<!-- getTimezoneOffset does the trick! -->
<!-- it return minutes so we divide to get hours -->
timezone = new Date().getTimezoneOffset() / 60;
document.cookie = 'local_timezone=" + timezone;
<!-- set a cookie with this value and we are done -->
{% endif %}
*for simplicity I didn't include cookie expires nor half hour timezones like North Korea.
So it's first time the user enters the site. Django doesn't know yet it's timezone.
As local_timezone comes empty, we run this javascript lines, get the timezone offset and save it in a cookie.
Next page the user enters, the context processor will read that cookie and will activate the appropriate timezone.
If you need to activate it the very first time, just make it refresh after setting the cookie.
Well that's it, hope this helps you.