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Tutti Privacy Policy

  • We do not profile user activity.
  • You can delete your account anytime, and we don't keep deleted data. Public statements will be kept, unless you delete them before.
  • Everything you post on a public social media is broadcasted to the world, is your responsibility to decide what information you want to disclose.
  • We do not share user data to any third party. We avoid third party background calls that might track user activity. We do not use any third party analytics tool.
  • All data not directly input from the user will only, if ever, be collected and stored under technical or law requirements.
  • For security reasons we may store IP address and other information from clients if we believe may be doing harm or abusing our systems.
  • We may collect anonymous information like operating system, browser, date, time and the city of origin. This data is anonymised, no IP stored, therefore cannot be tracked to an individual and will be used for statistical purposes only.
  • This site uses cookies, not to enhance your experience but because we could not make it work without them. By continuing you agree to our Cookie Policy.
  • In Tutti users can share internet links. We scrap this address and store a thumbnail together with the link. If the thumbnails infringe your copyrights, let us know so we'll remove it.
  • Users do share numerous types of media, images, videos, text, etc, if any content infringe your copyrights, honor or any law let us know by flagging it so we'll remove.

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